Rhythm Guitar

The six chord diagrams below are the open major chords that are played on the first three frets of the guitar. Open means there are open notes (not fretted) in the chord. The major chord is made from three note from the major scale called a triad. The notes are the first, third and fifth notes (1, 3, 5) of the major scale.

Each major scale has a key signature that has specific notes that are either raised (#) or lowered (b) called accidentals. They are shown in the key signature to the left of the chord diagram. If one of these changed notes in the scale are the same as the chord note then they are also changed Notice the A-C#-E notes in the A major chord.in the first diagram below.

The numbers in the in the chord diagram are which finger to use and the 0 at the top are the open notes of the chord, X are muted or not played. The numbers on the left are the fret numbers 1 – 3 omitting 4 with an X. The letters on the bottom are the notes of the chord. The letters on the top in the rectangle box are the open tuning note of the guitar.

If you are a beginner carefully place your fingers vertical as possible without bending the strings or touching another string. Make sure each note that is suppose to be played when strummed is clean without a muted sound. Each time you practice your finger dexterity and strength will get better and your muscle memory where to place your fingers will become automatic.

Practice changing the fingerings from one chord to the next. Try strumming four strums down -up-down-up while changing the between A, D & E chords. Next try strumming three strums down-up-down then try changing between the G, C & F chords. You now have a good start to work from, good job.

Chord Diagrams by Guitar Theorist 2.0

A Major Open ChordC Major Open ChordD Major Open ChordE Major Open ChordF Major Open Chord G Major Open Chord